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The London Oral Restorative academy is a dental courses provider in the
UK and Overseas throughout various delegates in several countries all
around the world.

LORA recognises the fast paced advancements in the dental field and we aim
to provide dental professionals the adequate knowledge through our courses
to keep up with everyday breakthroughs, specially in the Restorative and
Implant fields of dentistry.


LORA is registered and is based in London

Our Objective:

The London Oral Restorative Academy aims to enhance the clinical skills
of dental professionals through well organised and evidence based courses.

the objectives of London oral Reconstructive are as follows:

1) To provide Dental Professionals with the knowledge of Restorative &
Implant dentistry in the Europe and Worldwide.

2) To run short and long courses in Restorative and Implant dentistry,
accredited by UK universities.

3) To plan ahead and assist dentists with accreditation processes


The London Oral Reconstructive academy is a dental courses provider in the
UK and Overseas throughout various delegates in several countries all
around the world.

LORA recognised the fast paced advancements in the dental field and we aim
to provide dental professionals the adequate knowledge through our courses
to keep up with everyday breakthroughs, specially in the Restorative and
Implant fields of dentistry.


The London Oral Reconstructive academy is a dental courses provider in the
UK and Overseas throughout various delegates in several countries all
around the world.

LORA recognised the fast paced advancements in the dental field and we aim
to provide dental professionals the adequate knowledge through our courses
to keep up with everyday breakthroughs, specially in the Restorative and
Implant fields of dentistry.


The London Oral Reconstructive academy is a dental courses provider in the
UK and Overseas throughout various delegates in several countries all
around the world.

LORA recognised the fast paced advancements in the dental field and we aim
to provide dental professionals the adequate knowledge through our courses
to keep up with everyday breakthroughs, specially in the Restorative and
Implant fields of dentistry.

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